Meet Our Director, Monica.

Monica Polonio holds the position of director at Rock + Soar. In this interview, we delve deeper into Monica's background, her role, and what inspires her.

Why did you start Rock & Soar?

For Freedom. I had moved around a fair bit prior to meeting Alison and joining the bespoke lighting industry. I’ve always enjoyed the process of designing bespoke elements with interior designers whether that would be wallpaper or furniture however the options in materials and the possibilities within the lighting industry, that was something I had yet to experience and I fell in love. With Alison’s ideas, her knowledge and how it allowed me to explore my creativeness and the satisfaction of being part of it all.

Why did you start Rock & Soar?

For Freedom. I had moved around a fair bit prior to meeting Alison and joining the bespoke lighting industry. I’ve always enjoyed the process of designing bespoke elements with interior designers whether that would be wallpaper or furniture however the options in materials and the possibilities within the lighting industry, that was something I had yet to experience and I fell in love. With Alison’s ideas, her knowledge and how it allowed me to explore my creativeness and the satisfaction of being part of it all.

What’s your background?

Academically, my background is in Business Management. I was the kind of student who opted for studies in Criminal Law, Politics and Finance. The idea was to prepare for my adulthood the best way possible by studying topics that would help me develop a successful career of some kind. As I had no idea what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be at the age of 16, a well rounded education seemed like the way forward.

I naturally fell into the interior design industry and always played a sales role of some kind. I’m good with people and although I do not consider myself as a designer, the process of designing and creating with others was something I enjoyed more than the actual sale or commission aspect of my role.

What is your role there?

As Founding Director of Rock & Soar alongside Alison Smith, our role varies daily as we are a team of two and we are at a time in the company’s development where it’s all hands on deck and you do what needs to be done. Given my background in sales and business management, I naturally play a role where things such as sales strategies and financial management are two of my key responsibilities. Other aspects of the business such as marketing and product development are mainly led by Alison however we work together as a team in almost every aspect of the business.

What do you love most about your role in the business?

I will always enjoy the client facing aspect of my role. The meetings, the site visits, the creating and delivering exceptional design. It has always been the reason for why I remained in the bespoke interior design industry.


What’s your process if a client wants to commission Rock & Soar?​

The process would vary depending on whether the client is commissioning us to design a bespoke feature or whether they are selecting a design from our collection.

In most cases, our clients will ask either for a complete bespoke design or to alter an aspect of a design from our collection therefore we tend to start with a concept proposal. The concept proposal is the beginning of our design development process where the aim is to take the inspiration behind a design or the idea of a design and tell a story. We normally put together a proposal with sketches and watercolour paintings giving our clients the initial feel for what we will be developing.

The concept is developed further and upon commissioning, we will work on prototypes and samples for sign off prior to going ahead with a full order.

What’s next for Rock & Soar?

We’ve recently been commissioned for a new project in Miami and I believe it’s time for us to explore international markets such as the US. We will be spending some time aboard and I know we will be very well received. In the meantime, we will keep growing our presence in the UK as it is our home, the hub of our work where we are supported not only by some of the most amazing interior design studios but also by a great network of craftsmanship such as the Blowfish Gallery who we love to work with.


Meet Our Director, Alison.


London Craft Week: Nature, Glass & Longevity.