Milan Design Week 2024

Explore, discover and play.

As creatives of the industry, we are finding it more and more difficult to make time to create and play, which is imperative to our artistic growth and feeling inspired to design.

MDW 2024 ‘Making Sense of Colour’ installation by Google

In the day-to-day intensity of our creative industry, it's easy to get caught in a cycle of deadlines, client demands, and the pursuit of perfection. The pressure to constantly innovate and deliver can leave little room for one crucial element: play. For industry creatives, finding time to play and discover isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for nurturing imagination and sustaining a high level of creativity. One perfect playground for such an experience is Milan Design Week, a haven where design and craft converge to inspire and rejuvenate.

Milan Design Week, also known as Salone del Mobile, is an annual event that transforms the city into a sprawling exhibition of creativity and craftsmanship. Designers, artists, and enthusiasts from around the world gather to showcase their work, exchange ideas, and celebrate the art of design. For industry creatives, this event is more than just a series of exhibitions; it's an immersive experience that reignites the spark of creativity.

The event is renowned for its immersive installations that challenge conventional notions of space and design. Walking through these interactive exhibits allows creatives to engage all their senses, stepping out of their usual routines and into a world where imagination knows no bounds. This sensory stimulation is vital for breaking free from creative blocks and discovering new approaches to design. A particular favourite of ours was the Google installation ‘Making Sense of Colour’, giving oneself a space to fully indulge in saturated colour and understand our association with colour and senses. What tastes like red? What smells like pink? A huge focus this year was on stimulating all senses with an excellent terminology being born called ‘neuro-aesthetics’. The word describes particular elements of design that have considered that aspect of visual aesthetic, as well as touch, smell, sound and perhaps even taste…?

St. Louis Glass


Dysi & Dysa @ Rosanna Orlandi Gallery

Lighting and material is naturally a very important area to be investigated during MDW, and although there is a great appreciated for consistent, well-thought design by leading brands, it is the unique, craft-based experiments that really inspire us. Rosanna Orlandi’s gallery space is always a delight; many artists showcase their work consiting of glass, ceramics, plastics and more.

For industry creatives, making time for events like Milan Design Week is not just about researching competitors; it's about investing in their creative well-being and creating a sense of play. Here are a few tips on how to incorporate more play and discovery into your routine:

  1. Schedule Downtime: Block out time in your calendar for activities that relax and inspire you. Whether it's attending design festivals, visiting museums, or simply taking a walk in nature, prioritize these moments.

  2. Embrace Curiosity: Approach every new experience with a sense of wonder. Ask questions, explore unfamiliar territories, and be open to new ideas and perspectives.

  3. Collaborate and Share: Engaging with other creatives can provide fresh viewpoints and collaborative opportunities. Share your experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from one another.

  4. Reflect and Integrate: After immersing yourself in playful activities, take time to reflect on what you've experienced. Consider how these new insights can be integrated into your work.


London Craft Week 2024: Craftworks Show


Drawing Workshops & Creative Process.